Recipes — Sweet Potato RSS

Sweet Potato Pizza

Serves 2  1 Large Sweet potato or 2 small, grated  2 Eggs 1 Tsp bouillon 1 Tsp Paprika  1 pinch pepper Preheat oven grill to medium. Mix all the ingredients together. On the Hob heat a large oven proof frying pan with 1 Tbsp oil. Pour in enough mixture to cover the base, about 1cm thick. Leave to cook for 2-3 minutes then transfer to the oven and grill until firm on top (4-5 mins). Use a flat spatula to make sure the base is loose then slide out the pan onto a plate. Top with anything from tomato & cheese to smoked salmon & avocado. Note: Add in grated courgette or use regular potatoes! Tip: Involve your kids... let...

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